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PREHISTORIC  INDIA  UPSC NOTES The Indian pre-history has broadly been divided into three cultural stages which are described as follows: Paleolithic Age or the Old Stone Age: (From 2.5 million years ago to 10,000 BCE) , when first stone tools were made, and people lived in hunt ing and food-gathering era. Mesolithic Age or the Middle Stone Age: (10,000 BCE-4000 BCE) , when microlith (small-sized) tools were made and used. It was the transitional period between the Palaeolithic and the Neolithic ages. Along with the continuation of hunting and food gathering, this period witnessed the first evidence of domestication of animals and origin of agriculture. Neolithic Age or the New Stone Age: (7000 BCE-1000 BCE) when people began to lead a settled and sedentary life by producing food with the help of sophisticated and polished stone tools. The major source of understanding prehistory is archaeology, but historians also rely on data provided by a wide variety of natural and social sciences,


  Introduction The Magadha Empire's journey from a modest kingdom to a powerful and influential empire reflects the dynamic nature of ancient Indian history. Its rise and fall, marked by the achievements of rulers like Ashoka the Great, continue to captivate historians and enthusiasts alike. As we delve into the annals of history, we find in the Magadha Empire not just a chapter but a vivid tapestry that contributes to the rich cultural heritage of the Indian subcontinent. In this blog we are trying to focus on some important facts about Magadh empire. The Magadh Empire, also known as the Magadha Empire, was a prominent ancient Indian kingdom that played a significant role in the political and cultural history of the Indian subcontinent. It existed in the northeastern part of ancient India, primarily in the region of present-day Bihar and parts of eastern Uttar Pradesh, during various periods of Indian history. Here are some key points about the Magadh Empire: 1.Geographical Lo

All about Buddhism:Founder,Types,Symbol and Holy Books

 Exploring the Depth of Buddhism: A Journey to Inner Peace Introduction Buddhism, an ancient and profound philosophy, offers a timeless guide to living a life of mindfulness, compassion, and wisdom. With its origins in India over 2,500 years ago, Buddhism has since spread across the world, touching the hearts and minds of millions. In this blog, we will embark on a journey to explore the core teachings, practices, and philosophy of Buddhism, shedding light on its enduring relevance in the modern world. Buddhism is a major world religion and philosophical system that originated in ancient India. It was founded by Siddhartha Gautama, known as the Buddha, which means "the awakened one" or "the enlightened one." Buddhism is centered around the teachings and principles of the Buddha, who lived in the 6th century BCE. It offers a comprehensive framework for understanding the nature of existence, suffering, and the path to spiritual liberation. Types of Buddhism: Buddh

All about Jainism :Tirthankaras,Founder,Holy books,Tattva and Symbols

  Founder of Jainism Jainism, one of the ancient religions of India, does not have a single founder. Instead, it has a lineage of spiritual teachers, known as Tirthankaras, who are revered for their contributions to the development and propagation of Jainism. The 24th Tirthankara, Lord Mahavira, is considered the most recent and prominent figure in Jainism. While he is often referred to as the "founder" of Jainism in the sense that he reorganized and codified its teachings, Jainism predates him, with historical and legendary figures preceding Lord Mahavira. Lord Mahavira was born in the 6th century BCE in what is now modern-day Bihar, India. He renounced worldly life at the age of 30 to pursue a life of asceticism and spiritual seeking. After 12 years of rigorous penance and meditation, he attained enlightenment and began to preach the principles of Jainism. Key teachings associated with Lord Mahavira include the emphasis on non-violence (ahimsa), truth (satya), non-possessiv